
홍보센터 한난소식 공지사항

Reannouncement for the sale of shares in Incheon Total Energy Co.


I. Overview
1. Assets to be sold : 50% equity stake in Incheon Total Energy Co. held by Korea District Heating Corp.
                                      (the "Seller")
2. Method of sale : Public competitive bidding

II. Sale Process
1. Acceptance of Letters of Intent, etc.
① Period of submission : From 10:00 on Monday, October 18, 2010 to 17:00 on Thursday, October 21,
                                               2010(Seoul Time)
② Place of submission : 5F, Korea District Heating Corp., 186 Bundang-dong, Bundang-gu, 
                                              Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea (Tel: 82-31-780-4281/4282)
③ Documents to be submitted: Letter of Intent, Introduction of Bidder, Confidentiality Agreement
2. Procedures following the acceptance of a Letter of Intent
① After the sell-side financial advisor reviews all documents submitted by the potential buyers, the
     financial advisor shall arrange for the Confidential Information Memorandum individually.
     Please refer to the "Transaction Guideline for the sale f shares in Incheon Total Energy Co." for
     details on subsequent schedules.
② Only potential buyers that have submitted a Letter of Intent shall be allowed to participatein the bidding
     process. However, a potential buyer who has not  submitted a Letter of Intent shall be allowed to 
     participate in the bidding process if the potential buyer forms a consortium with another potential 
     buyer that has submitted a Letter of Intent.

III. Others
1. Please refer to the "Transaction Guideline for the sale of shares in Incheon Total Energy Co." on the
    Seller’s homepage (www.kdhc.co.kr), Korea on-line procurement system (www.g2b.go.kr) or  Korea
    District Heating Corporation bidding information of disclosing system for public institution of  Korea
    (www.alio.go.kr) for additional details related with this transaction.
2. All documents related to this transaction, including the Letter of Intent, shall be submitted in person
    within the designated dates at the place of submission (Submission by mail, fax and e-mail shall not
    be permitted), and the late submission after the deadline will not be permitted.
3. Accepted all documents may not be cancelled, withdrawn, recalled, exchanged or modified.
4. Request forthe submission of Letters of Intent that corresponds to this sale announcement is not 
    an inducement of subscription subject to the Financial  Investment Services and Capital Market Act, 
    but an inducement of subscription subject to the Confidential Information Memorandum.
5. The aforementioned schedule and contents are subject to change depending on the circumstances
    of the Seller. The Seller expressly reserves the right, at its sole discretion, at any time and in any 
    respect to terminate the procedures set out in this sale announcementand the selection of
    prospective investors  to be included in the Short List and Preferred Bidder, among others, are subject
    to the sole and absolute discretion of the Seller. Any prospective investor may not express any
    objection to the selection of the Seller.

Should you have any questions on this transaction, please contact the Korea District Heating Corp. or Samil PricewaterhouseCoopersrepresentatives listed below.

- Korea District Heating Corp. : Jin Kang (Team Manager), Kyoo-Man Kim (Manager), Soo-Yeon Lee
  (Assistant Manager) (82 -31-780-4294/4295)
 - Samil PricewaterhouseCoopers : Chang-Ha Park (Partner), Ki-Cheol Cho (Senior Manager), Dae-Kyoo
   Shim (Manager) (82-2-709-0247, 82-2-3781-(E-mail: chpark@samil.com, kccho@samil.com, dkshim

October 8, 2010

Seller : Korea District Heating Corp.
Sell-side Financial Advisor : Samil PricewaterhouseCoopers

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