Declaration of Disaster Reduction Policy

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Functional Continuity Planning Policy Declaration
As a disaster management agency, the Korea District Heating Corporation will continue to operate and improve the disaster mitigation activity system under the goal of "minimizing damage in the event of a disaster and realizing safe management trusted by the people by continuing stable energy supply."In order to implement this, all executives and employees shall comply with the following policies and endeavor to ensure continuity in providing public services to the public.

"Establishment of crisis response system"

All employees shall share the goals of the disaster mitigation activity system and participate and endeavor together to respond quickly and recover in the event of a disaster.

"Creating a safety culture"

It shall secure human and material resources for the operation of the disaster mitigation activity system and create a mature safety culture that thoroughly complies with the basics and principles.

"Continuous operation and improvement of disaster mitigation activities"

Through education, training, inspection, and improvement activities, the suitability of the disaster mitigation activity system is continuously verified, and field execution is improved.

"Gain business continuity"

In the event of a disaster, damage caused by business interruption is minimized by maintaining core functions, and stable energy supply is made every effort.


Korea District Heating Corporation

