Stability indicator

Stability indicator
Category Formula Ratio
39th term (2023) 38th term (2022)
Current ratio Current assets/Current liability x 100 43.8% 55.6%
Debt ratio Liability/Net worth x 100 281.1% 349.3%
Borrowings to total assets ratio (Short- and long-term borrowings + bonds)/Total capital 50.1% 46.3%
Interest coverage ratio Operating income/Interest expenses 3.6 △6.3

※ Assets, liabilities, and net worth represent the ending balances (separate standards). Net worth means the amount after the net profit/loss of the current term. Liabilities mean interest-incurring debts, including short- and long-term borrowings, financial lease liabilities, other borrowings, and bonds.

Profitability indicators

Profitability indicators
Category Formula Ratio
39th term (2023) 38th term (2022)
Ratio of operating income to sales Operating income/Sales × 100 7.9% △9.7%
Ratio of net profit to sales Net profit/Sales × 100 5.0% △4.4%
Ratio of net profit to total assets Net profit/Total assets × 100 2.6% △2.6%
Ratio of net profit to net worth Net profit/Net worth × 100 10.6% △10.6%

※ Assets, liabilities, and net worth represent the average of the beginning and ending balances (separate standards). Net worth means the amount after the net profit/loss of the current term.

Growth and activity indicators

Growth and activity indicators
Category Formula Ratio
39th term (2023) 38th term (2022)
Sales growth rate (Sales – Prior-term sales)/Prior-term sales × 100 △5.3% 64.5%
Operating income growth rate (Operating income – Prior-term operating income)/Prior-term operating income × 100 177.8% △1,168.4%
Net profit growth rate (Net profit – Prior-term net profit)/Prior- term net profit × 100 208.4% △956.9%
Total asset growth rate (Total assets – Prior-term total assets)/Prior-term total assets × 100 7 6.6% 14.6%
Total asset growth rate Sales/Total assets 0.5 0.6

※ Assets, liabilities, and net worth represent the average of the beginning and ending balances (separate standards). Net worth means the amount after the net profit/loss of the current term. Liabilities mean interest-incurring debts, including short- and long-term borrowings, financial lease liabilities, other borrowings, and bonds.
